Raspberryfisher's Blog

notes on fishing & travel

Tulip Tarda

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Deer see a garden as a buffet, and some plants are high are on the list. Tulips is one plant the deer love to eat and destroy, so my planting of tulips must be limited to a few small areas where deer are not likely to show up. By the front door, I have a group of Tulip Tarda.

The cut flower tall stem tulips many expect have been hybridize and no longer look  like the orginal wild tulips, but the wild tulips, whether Tulip Tarda or Tulipa Saxatalis is a plant worth cultivating in the garden. The wild tulips are hardy perennials, bunch in, and self propgate well.  No they do not make a great cut flower, but they make a great flower bed.

Written by raspberryfisher

2012/04/30 at 23:28

Posted in Life in the back

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