Raspberryfisher's Blog

notes on fishing & travel

Classic Spey Reels and their cases

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Okay, I have gone full out, though my priority is balancing long spey rods on the swing.

I ready do like modern large arbour reels for how they treat the line and seal drags for Great Lakes Steelhead, but the fly fishing rele industry focus on light is good for modern graphite single hand rods is not good for long rod spey reels. Now the vast majority of current reels with modifications for spey are suitabe for short to some mid-length, but these reels are not for long rods. Thus, when searching for reels at 14 to 18 ounces for long rod, this leaves the few to search for old heavy reels (Hardy for Classic, Nautilus 12S for Large Arbour) or custom / semi-custom (Olsen, Saracione … ) reels.

As I have started a collection of custom – classic reels to fish with, I have also ensure they are in classic leather cases. The cases I have are from RW Leatherworks, except the Stewart Reel which come in a fantastic case. I was not to fond of the Petrevan case, so I replaced it with a RW Leatherworks.

RW Leatherworks is easy to work with and provides a nice high quality man-made case quickly. I really like the magnetic clasp.


16’6″ 8wt Walker with a Saracione 4 1/2″ Mark V



The reel has a Boss 89 line. The SRO Vector is a reasonable alternative, as well as the Gaelforce 63, but I was not fond of the Gaelforce 73 and 83.


Walker 13’6″ 8wt with a Stewart 300 Reel

Using a Bridge Wintertide 89 line, see above graph. The change in diameter reflects the RIO Replacement Tip, but in the near future, I will be cutting my own.

I have previousily note, and repeat, a better choice of reel would have been the Stewart 400.



Relative to the RW Leatherwork Cases, the closure is much more difficult to use, but the additional sherling is really nice.


Meiser 1507S with Henshaw 4″ Platewind Reels

First up is my 4″ Henshaw Reel – right hand wind – with a Bridge Tributary 78.



And the Henshaw 4″ left hand wind with a NextCast Fall Favourite 70 78.



I note these reels would also feel at home on the Flywerks Quantum 16’7″ 7wt.

I also have a Nautilus 12S using a RIO Spey Long 78 suitable for these rods.


Meiser 15’6″ 5wt with a Petrevan 3 3/4″ Direct Drive Reel



This reel currently holds a SRO Vector XL 56 line, but it also casts well with the shorter Vector. It also casts nicely with the NextCast Winter Authourity, which is actually on a Nautilus CCF 10 for a Meiser 1305S.


Yes, it is a luxory, but they are well made, and serve the purpose well.



Written by raspberryfisher

2024/06/08 at 23:25

Posted in Fly-Fishing, Spey, Z.Gear

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